(PDF) The Effect of Quizlet on Vocabulary Acquisition | Abdulaziz B Sanosi - . Looking for: - Microsoft word quizlet 2016 free Click here to DOWNLOAD Microsoft word quizlet 2016 free.Results for "microsoft word 2016 free" Lesson 2 Microsoft Word A feature that replaces symbols, commonly misspelled words, an. A storage area that temporarily stores items for a user to pas. A command in Word that places a duplicate copy of selected tex. A command in Word that . Get Free Unit 3 Microsoft Word And Basics Of Word Processing terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Microsoft Word:Unit 3 Flashcards | Quizlet unit 3 Microsoft word vocabulary becca rodriguez. STUDY. PLAY. Alignment. how to text is displayed horizontally on the page. Borders. A line placed on one or more sides of a. Word's Smart Tags feature uses purple dots to highlight information such as names, dates, places, and similar data that can be shared with other programs ...